Scholarly Writing & Publications
My scholarship has focused on highlighting the importance of the full spectrum of human experience, whether individual or social. I have primarily written and presented on issues related to human diversity and social justice. Among the topics I write are:
Xenophobia, immigration, irregular migration (trafficking), and experiences of recent immigrants
Individual and collective experiences of human diversity including gender, sexuality, ethnicity, race, nationality, social class, ability, and age
Questioning and resisting psychological and social methods that require splitting individuals or human experiences into all-good and all-bad, positive and negative, us and them, found in past and present (witch-hunts/religious persecutions, eugenics and biological reductionism, colonization and denial of indigenous wisdom, "positive" psychology)
Depth psychological traditions as well as professional/cultural fear they evoke
Research practices and methods that recognize human diversity, human complexity, and histories
Learn more about my writing and talks here.
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Writing On Immigration
Vivamus a ante congue, porta nunc nec, hendrerit turpis. Integer tempus, elit in laoreet posuere, lectus neque blandit dui, et placerat urna diam mattis orci. Vivamus a ante congue, porta nunc nec, hendrerit turpis.
WRiting On Human Diversity and Full Humanity in Psychology
Fusce at massa nec sapien auctor gravida in in tellus. Integer tempus, elit in laoreet posuere, lectus neque blandit dui, et placerat urna diam mattis orci. Mauris egestas at nibh nec finibus.
Donec eu est non lacus lacinia semper. Donec eget risus diam. Vivamus a ante congue, porta nunc nec, hendrerit turpis.