Modern-Day Xenophobia: Critical Historical and Theoretical Perspectives on the Roots of Anti-Immigrant Prejudice
This book engages the topic of xenophobia from both psychological and socio-political approaches. Recently, xenophobia as a social standpoint or social attitude has come under increased scrutiny by the public, scholars, and educators; however, few works have directly summarized current theories of xenophobia as well as articulated critical perspectives on the issue. This work provides an overview of the concept, historical factors related to its development, and a review of varied theoretical perspectives. The intertwining of psychological and sociological perspectives allows the author to present a multi-dimensional, multi-layered argument in a way which effectively prevents any attempt to apply any one single over-arching theory, and thus effectively presents the complexity of the topic at hand.
scientific pollyannaism: from inquisition to positive psychology
This book argues that the story of the orphan girl Pollyanna (namely, her strategy of playing the “glad games” to manage loss, abuse, and social prejudice) serves as a framework for critiquing historical forms of Western scientific Pollyannaism. The author examines Pollyannaism as it relates to the sciences, demonstrating how the approach has been used throughout modern Western history to enforce happiness and to criticize negative human emotional states. These efforts, carried out by scientists and popularized as scientific, focus on negating the role of the environment and on promoting varied forms of emotional control. Ultimately, the book emphasizes strategies used to compel individuals into becoming Pollyannas about science itself.